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Secrets of Canva: 5 Reasons Why Professional Designers Also Use Canva

Do you use professional designers?

Does Canva also use professional designers?

Hello! It's Kanahana✨

Today, I would like to introduce the "reasons why professional designers are also using", including the benefits and usage methods that I have been working as a web designer for 20 years!

CANVA is an online design tool, and you can create various designs such as business cards, posters, presentations, SNS designs, websites, videos, and mockups.

This tool is widely used by ordinary people, but I think CANVA should be used by professional designers!
Now, let's explore the reasons for support.

Five reasons why professional designers use CANVA

1. Easy and easy to use!

Easy -to -use interface

One of the attractions of Canva is ease of use.💕

CANVA has an intuitive usage and an easy -to -understand interface, so you can easily understand the operation in an hour even if you use it for the first time.

In addition, because it has advanced functions, it can be used for professional designers who usually use tools such as Photoshop and Adobe Premiere.

Another attraction is that it is very light even though it is running on a browser base! That is the merit.
When you actually use it, it looks crisp compared to Photoshop. It is rarely handled very heavy data. However, I often want to create designs and videos easily, so I can feel the ease of use especially in such a application.

Therefore, even if you are a professional designer, when you are preparing for the design, making an idea, and making a video quickly, there are many voices using Canva in my workplace.😊

2. Many high quality templates

CANVA PRO has many high -quality templates

CANVA has a lot of templates.

This makes it easy to create a high -quality design without spending time or effort.

Professional designers are fighting time😣
I sometimes use CANVA templates to save time or to come up with ideas.
In addition, based on the template, it is possible to create an original design and finish it into a high quality one!

Greatly, CANVA's template is compatible with various designs, and can be used in various fields, including business cards, posters, presentations, websites, SNS images and videos.

3. Costs can be reduced

Most of the production companies usually contract with stock photos such as Adobe Stock.
Therefore, it is OK to arrange photos, but it is often a problem that it costs extra charge to arrange videos and audio materials.

By subscribing to a paid Canva, more than 100 million premium stock photos, videos, audio, and graphics are available, so you can arrange at low cost.

I was attracted to this charm and I personally signed a Canva Pro.😍
CANVA can also be considered to be a considerable cost, because professional designers and directors also spend more money and time to arrange materials.

Especially the video is so impressive that there are too many high levels💕
This is a great deal if it's about 12,000 yen a year!

4. I was able to overcome my weak genre!

With Canva, I was able to overcome the weak genre!

Web designers are good at web design, but they are not good at making proposals and proposals with power points.😣

If you are a designer who also serves as a web direction, such a job will occur at all, so in that case, CANVA comes in.

If you select a canva presentation template, there are many temples for proposals that designers are not good at, so first look for the genre you want to make. And you can make it intuitively, so you can go quickly.💕

In addition, there is a function to replace the colors and typefaces of all pages at once, so I was quite impressed here because there is no work to replace the font with appropriate one for each page.

The design of the template is good, but the color is good ~😣This function is very good because there are many things that I think.

After that, it can be exported to PowerPoint (.PPT), so it can be used for the format when giving it to a salesperson and the efficiency is perfect!

5. Easy to collaborate in the team!

Easy to collaborate in the team!

CANVA is ideal for team design work because multiple users can work at the same time. By utilizing this function, I think that professional designers can proceed smoothly to collaboration with team members!

I haven't used the shared functions of multiple users yet, but the CANVA collaboration function can actually share the design in real time, so I designed it together while correcting the design and making an idea. It seems that you can proceed😊


[CANVA's secret] Five reasons to use professional designers
What did you think?

Finally, the rough summary is as follows😊

CANVA is a tool that can be easily designed and easy to create videos that are used by professionals.
With intuitive operation and abundant templates, various designs such as business cards, posters, and presentations are possible!

Also, it's not heavy to move on a browser -based, and it's good that the work is smooth!
CANVA PRO can use more than 100 million premium materials, so the cost can be reduced.

Creating proposals that designers are not good at are easy if you use CANVA template!
In addition, real -time collaboration for multiple users is also possible, making it ideal for team work!

Professional designers!
Why don't you consider combination with Photoshop, XD, Premiere, etc.?

The following is a free version registration and a paid version contract!
I hope you can try it once💕


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