Handmade Column

  • Creema
  • iichi
  • minne
  • ハンドメイドマーケット

A thorough comparison of the three major handmade markets (minne, Creema, and iichi)!

A thorough comparison of the three major handmade markets (minne, Creema, and iichi)!

Where should I sell first?

I want to start a handmade business that I love,but I don't know where to sell my products.。。。
There is a lot of research to do to become a handmade artist, and it's hard to make progress!

In this article, we will provide clear explanations for beginner handmade artists in the following order.

  • What is a handmade market?
  • Features of minne
  • Features of Creema
  • Features of iichi
  • Summary

What is a handmade market?

It is a handmade market, but it is safe to recognize that it is a "sales site specializing in handmade products.
Today, there are three major representative sites: minne, Creema, and iichi, so we will quickly introduce them.

Features of minne

Three Major Handmade Markets (minne)

It is a handmade market that boasts overwhelming popularity.
As you can see from the numbers below, the majority of handmade artists are registered on this popular site.

Basic minne data

Number of authors and brands Over 800,000
Number of registered works More than 15 million
Number of app DLs More than 13 million
Instagram 260,000 followers
Twitter 190,000 followers

As of January 2023

minne commission

Monthly fee Free of charge
Sales Commission 10.56% (tax included)
*Includes shipping charges.
Transfer fee for sales Payable at the end of the following month after the monthly closing. Transfer fee is 220 yen.

As of the end of June 2021

Advantages of minne

1. Direct access to users' voices

10 times higher than other companies, with a purchase review rate of 40%.
We are able to receive reviews at a high rate, which facilitates good communication.

2. Mostly women in their 20s to 40s

90% of the buyers are women and about 10% are men.

3. Works go to the world

Overseas delivery is possible at zero cost to the seller.

4. Continuously growing market

Annual distribution of 14.91 billion yen (*Fiscal 2020
More than 13 million DL of apps (As of January 2023

Items available for sale and display

Handmade goods, art works, remade goods

Handmade or remade goods, accessories, interior decorations, illustrations, paintings, objets d'art, etc.

Materials, tools, and handmade kits

Materials and tools used only for making works, and kits that include them and instruction manuals, etc.

Antique and vintage items

Historic or rare artifacts, art objects, etc., manufactured more than 20 years ago.

Production-supported pieces

Works that you have designed yourself and commercialized with the help of printers or digital technology

Items that cannot be sold or displayed

Unauthorized representative sales

Selling or exhibiting works created by a third party without obtaining permission to sell on behalf of minne

Purchasing and selling without following the rules

Purchase works or products and sell or display them without permission
Excluding the following
Materials and tools, handmade kit category, antique and vintage items

Some food and beverages

Types of food that minne has not set aside for sale or display

Cosmetics and soap

Basic cosmetics, perfumes, shampoos, bath salts, handmade soaps, etc. that are legally classified as cosmetics

The above list of items that can and cannot be sold or displayed is taken from the minne website.

Points and Considerations

Users: mainly women in their late teens to 30s

In addition to selling, you can also purchase materials, so some artists use minne to purchase materials.
In particular, sales of accessories are very active.
Selling prices are higher than those on the flea market app Mercari. If the price is too low, it tends to be difficult to sell, and products with a strong handmade feel are preferred by users.

There are also many works for children, and many artists who are new to handmade goods have registered, creating an atmosphere of easy participation.
If you want to become a handmade artist, this is a good place to start.

Creema Features

Three Major Handmade Markets (Creema)

This is another very popular and fashionable handmade market.
It also hosts various craft events, including Handmade in Japan Fest (HMJ), one of the largest creators' festivals in Japan.

In addition, we have an editorial store where you can actually hold the works of fascinating creators in your hands through a system that changes the works every two weeks, and Creema SPRINGS, a crowdfunding service dedicated to supporting the creative activities of creators. We also do

Creema Basic Data

Number of Works More than 10 million
Number of app DLs More than 10 million
Instagram 118,000 followers
Twitter 75,000 followers

As of September 6, 2022

Creema Fees

Monthly fee Free of charge
Sales Commission Category of works and materials
11% of the product price not including shipping charges (tax included)

Food and Beverage Category
15.4% of the total amount of payment (including tax)
Transfer fee for sales Payable at the end of the following month after the monthly closing. Transfer fees are as follows.
Total amount less than 30,000 yen: 176 yen (55 yen for PayPay bank)
Total amount over 30,000 yen: 275 yen (55 yen for PayPay Bank)

As of September 6, 2022

Advantages of Creema

1. Your works can be promoted to the 22 million monthly users of Creema!

Creema was launched in 2010 with the mission of "creating a fair world where truly good products are never buried.
Japan's No. 1 platform with annual transactions of 16 billion yen. As the No. 1 sales per creator, the unit price per item tends to be stable.

2. Receive feedback and appreciation directly from users

Customers who "want to incorporate the creator's thoughtful and particular creations into their daily lives" can give us feedback on their creations and how they feel about using them, allowing us to improve our creations more efficiently.

3. You can sell your products even if you do not have any stock!

Creema also allows for production after an order has been placed. This is a very secure way for handmade artists to sell their products without the risk of inventory.

It takes only 5 minutes to sell an item! Transactions are also completed via the app.

The system is easy to use; all you need to do is to set up images and text. Order-made exchanges and communication during transactions can also be handled smoothly via the site and app.

5. Beginners can also feel at ease! Full promotion functions are also available!

Promotional functions are provided to meet various needs, such as "to draw attention to new products," "to issue coupons that can be used in the store," "to conduct limited-time campaigns," and so on.

6. Full sales support! Possibility of feature publication!

Approximately 5,000 works are likely to be picked up for "special features" and "mail magazines" every month.
The information is sent out via push notifications on the app! and advice on soliciting featured projects and exhibiting are also regularly sent via email, so sales support is provided from all aspects.

What you can sell and display

Original works

This includes handmade or remade goods, accessories, interior decorations, illustrations, paintings, objets d'art, etc. I think this area is equivalent to minne in terms of conditions.

Food and Liquor

In addition to sweets, confections, breads, etc., spices, vegetables, and alcoholic beverages are also available.

Materials, tools, and handmade kits

This category includes materials and tools used only for creating works of art, as well as kits that include these materials and instruction manuals. These items are similar to those sold on minne.

Items that cannot be sold or displayed

Creema prohibits the following 17 items as of 2022.

1. Items that are not handmade (excluding materials related to handmade works, food, alcohol, and drinks approved for sale)
2. Works created by others (except for materials related to handmade works, or works that the creator has entrusted to be sold on behalf of the creator)
3. Items that are sold by data
4. Firearms and weapons
5. cigarettes
7. Adult related items or items containing sexual expressions
8. Items that may be used as pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, cosmetics or cosmetics
9. Animals, insects and other living creatures
10. Works that do not meet the licensing and qualification requirements required by law for sale.
11. Illegal goods in general
12. Highly dangerous items such as gunpowder and fireworks
13. Items that may be used in crimes (air guns, stun guns, tear gas, knives prohibited by law, wiretaps, micro cameras, infrared cameras, etc.)
14. Works that advocate fortune-telling, appraisal, psychic reading, good luck, or protection from evil spirits.
15. Pages not intended for sale.
16. Animal food products
17. Other works that the Company deems inappropriate, works other than those allowed in the sales guide, etc., and works that are prohibited from being exhibited under these Rules and Regulations.
Works other than those listed as eligible to be exhibited, and works prohibited from being exhibited under these Rules and Regulations.

The above list of works that can and cannot be sold or displayed is taken from the Creema website.

Points and Considerations

Users: Female users, mainly women in their 20s to 40s

My impression of Creema is that it is mainly "works for adults," with high quality and creative artists.
There are many accessories, but there are also many clothes and other items that sell well even at high prices.
Therefore, prices are stable, and both sales per creator and unit price per work are No. 1 among major handmade markets in Japan.
If the target audience for your work is adult women, this is one site you should definitely register.

iichi (Features of iichi)

Three major handmade markets (iichi)

iichi is a handmade market that expands the connections among makers, connectors, and users under the theme of "good, small craftsmanship.
Compared to minne and creema, iichi is a more challenging market for beginners, but I get the impression that the management intends to introduce high quality professional works.
The market is a popular handmade market with deep-rooted popularity due to the fact that it mainly introduces works by high-level professionals.

Basic data of iichi

Number of Works More than 380,000
Number of app DLs Currently not offered
Instagram 26,000 followers
Twitter 23,000 followers

As of September 6, 2022

iichi's fees

Monthly fee Free of charge
Sales Commission 20% of the price of the work
Bank transfer fee for sales Transfer is made on the 20th of each month for sales made between the 1st and the last day of the previous month. Transfer fees are as follows.
160 yen flat fee (55 yen if to PayPay bank)

*As of September 6, 2022

Advantages of iichi

1. Easy and secure transactions!

The "Transaction Navi" supports the entire process from the order of artwork to the completion of the transaction. iichi's payment system eliminates the need to directly exchange payment, thus eliminating the burden on both the creator and the buyer.
If you have any problems with the transaction, you can contact our customer support.

2. Connecting with Users

You can make new connections with many users who are interested in handicrafts and crafts. In addition to various functions such as "Favorites," "Re-listing Mail," and "Access Analysis," you can use various services such as "New Arrival Mail," which notifies you of new items and events.

3. Notification of events is also possible.

You can use iichi to announce your own exhibitions, workshops, and other events. It also helps you to expand your business by applying to participate in craft fairs and events that are related to iichi.

What you can sell and exhibit

As of 2022, the following items are available for sale at iichi.

Handicrafts, crafts and handicrafts

Handicrafts, crafts, fashion, furniture, sundries, artwork, etc. created by the exhibitors themselves

Materials, tools and information materials

Materials, tools, books, etc. necessary for creating artworks.

Exhibits by proxy with permission to sell

Sales on behalf of iichi and the creator of the work with permission to sell

Items that cannot be sold or exhibited

In iichi, the following items are prohibited as of 2022

Items for resale

Selling works or products that you did not produce yourself (*)

Food, cosmetics, medical supplies

Food, drinks, and other items that are legally classified as cosmetics, medical supplies, or pharmaceuticals (*)

Excluding items for which the seller has obtained permission to sell from iichi or the creator of the item.
The above list of items that can and cannot be sold or displayed is taken from iichi's website.

Key Points and Considerations

Users: 30s to 50s. Many male users. Users are mainly looking for "special items.

My impression of iichi is that it is more of a place for experienced and skilled professionals to showcase their work, rather than a market for handmade items for beginners. I have the impression that iichi is a place for experienced and skilled professionals to show their works rather than a casual market for beginners.
Many of the accessories are of very high quality, and many of them are priced at several tens of thousands of yen per item.
The high selling prices make it a very exciting market with many truly unique and differentiated products.
Although the hurdles for exhibiting seem high, it has become a place where professionals who want to achieve a high enough level to be able to exhibit their work here gather.


In summary, "handmade market" = "handmade specialized sales site", and there are three famous markets as follows

  • minne
  • Creema
  • iichi

Specific features include


A market where even beginner artists can easily sell their works. The selling price is low, so it is easy to take on a challenge, so it is always a good idea to list your items here.


Creema is a market where clothes, food, drinks, and other items are sold. As the No. 1 seller per creator, the unit price per item tends to be stable.


This market is full of professional works. Although sales commissions are high, the market sells at prices that make it a viable business, and attracts users who want to buy the products that are made with care.

Thank you for taking the time to read this long article!
We hope you will try the market that suits you best.


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